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Forms of Sanitization

Recently, our favorite idol Marina Ida did a lot of research on sanitization, and revealed a lot of things we didn't previously know. Before her new information became public (public to Surface sanitized communities, at least), we had assumed sanitization was a concrete thing that occurred in stages. Rather, there are 3 distinct forms of sanitization, which can certainly be stages leading up to each other if one is allowed to progress slowly, but very often are individuals stuck in one state.

A lot of this is still being studied, as Marina only very recently provided our communities with this info, and we have yet to fully work it out.

Form 1 - Wipe

Wipes are the first step of any sanitization, in which the memory is erased and stored into mem cakes. This hollows out what we know as the "soul", leaving a person with nothing of their past.
A person doesn't necessarily have to be fully sanitized in order to be wiped. Nearly all of Kamabo's test subjects are wiped prior to testing.
This is as far as non-ink-based lifeforms go, as well. Without an ink sac, they cannot be partially or fully sanitized. Denizens who became test subjects, notably Iso Padre, have been wiped.

Wipes can be repeated infinitely. They are manually performed, and are usually an extensive process. Gel on its own doesn't induce wipes, so those subject to partial sanitizations by means of gel contact keep their memories preceeding and up to the incident (and if they don't, it's due to trauma, not the gel alone). Kamabo Co. frequently performs these on dissenters, erasing their memories and starting from scratch.

Despite this being a part of sanitization, those who are wiped and are not partially or fully sanitized are not considered "true" sanitized.
These individuals do not have the unique abilities of fully and sometimes partially sanitized, ie are unable to produce sanitized gel or possess the hivemind.

Form 2 - Partial Sanitization

Partial sanitization is often obvious, as partially sanitized usually have sploches of green skin. This can occur with or without wipes, or sometimes the wipe is incomplete and the individual only possesses a portion of their memory.
Partial sanitization comes about when the sanitization process is halted midway for whatever reason.
When sanitized gel is injected, it targets the ink sac, and in full sanitization forces the ink sac to produce only gel. However, in partial sanitization, either it causes permanent damage to the ink sac and allows the individual to produce small amounts of gel, it causes permanent damage and the individual cannot produce gel, or it causes no damage to the ink sac at all.

Partially sanitized usually suffer permanent damage to other areas of the body. All the bodily tissues are subject to the catastrophic damage gel causes, and it may permanently discolor the skin, warp the eyes, etc.
Partially sanitized may possess the hivemind, it depends on the individual. Usually the brain needs to have been partly sanitized in order for this to occur. This also means that partially sanitized sometimes may have lost their free will, or may not have.

Partially sanitized come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and this is just a super brief overview of them.

Self-sanitization (where the ink sac is fully sanitized and only produces gel but the individual is partially sanitized otherwise and is a slow process of the body sanitizing itself) falls within this category, despite the ink sac being fully taken over.

Form 3 - Full Sanitization

Fully sanitized are easy to spot and are (most likely) the most common form of sanitization seen. Their sanitization was completed, meaning they fully produce gel, possess the hivemind, lost their memories, and lost their free will.